
Fox’s “Cashin’ In” Cashes In on Japanese Internment

Yeah, you read that headline right. Over the weekend, Eric Bolling, the host of Fox News’ Cashin’ InĀ went to Michelle Malkin-land and justified criminal profiling of Muslims based upon the notion that sending pretty near every Japanese American on the U.S. mainland (120,000+ people) and not a few in Hawai’i to prison camps in WWII contributed to the success of the U.S. war effort. According to Bolling, “we know how to find terrorists among us: profile, profile, profile.”

Doubling down on that sentiment, panelist Jonathan Hoenig said:

…Let’s take a trip down memory lane here: the last … Read more “Fox’s “Cashin’ In” Cashes In on Japanese Internment”


Malkin vs Vargas: The Battle Royal That Wasn’t

The twitter debate on immigration between right wing pundit Michelle Malkin and the most famous undocumented immigrant in the U.S., Jose Antonio Vargas, was, as per this BuzzFeed story, riveting. Seriously, follow the link. I had no idea that twitter could be so fun and educational.

If you need an incentive to look, consider the players. I love Michelle Malkin. Obviously, I despise her political views, but, at a time when much of mainstream political media plays like reality TV, Michelle Malkin is the Omarosa of punditry. The world of political commentary without Michelle Malkin and her ilk would be … Read more “Malkin vs Vargas: The Battle Royal That Wasn’t”