
Five Things You Can Do Right Now!



  1. Show up. There are protests continuing everywhere to interrupt business as usual, and put the focus squarely on demands to value Black life. Street heat is part of how we all get free. Show up. Speak up. Here are resources on actions taking place in different parts of the country. Please share any links that are missing in the comments below. #ThisStopsToday Ferguson solidarity actions
  2. Donate. ChangeLab has just given $2,000 to bail funds to support those who are putting their bodies on the line for BlackLivesMatter. Join us. Dig deep. This is our liberation, and we must invest in it. Ferguson Bail Fund Blackout Collective and #BlackLivesMatter: give to PayPal at
  3. Have conversations. We are collecting stories of Asian Americans having the difficult conversations needed to take the message of #BlackLivesMatter deeper into our communities. Talk to your parents. Talk to your cousins. Talk to your co-workers. If you’re having conversations in your community, here are some questions to dig into. If you’re taking the message to your families, we suggest you start more simply. Ask them about their ideas about Black people, where they came from, and what they think about what’s happening now. Share your thoughts and feelings. Share facts. Start to push them. And please share your stories here.
  4. Join a local organizing group. This is long-term work. Model Minority Mutiny depends on the strength of the organizing happening in our communities. Get involved in institutions in your area that are fighting police brutality, gentrification, and militarism. If you don’t have an Asian American racial justice organizing group locally, then start conversations with people you know. Show up to protests on campuses and in the streets. Here is a partial list of Asian American grassroots organizing groups committed to racial justice. Chinese Progressive Association  Seeding Change  CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities  Desis Rising Up and Moving!  Providence Youth Students Movement  Freedom Inc.  1Love Movement  VAYLA  Khmer Girls in Action
  5. Show off your Model Minority Mutiny! ChangeLab has created t-shirts to show loud and clear that we stand on the insurgent line of the color line. We stand for freedom. 100% of proceeds over the next month will go toward bail funds to support those putting their lives on the line in protest for Black lives. Wear it proudly, and gift them to your friends for the holidays! There is no better message for the New Year than the message of hope and possibility that #BlackLivesMatter has created.
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By Soya Jung

Soya has been active in the progressive movement for over 30 years. During the 1990s she worked as a reporter at the International Examiner, communications and policy staff for the WA State House Democratic Caucus, and executive director of the Washington Alliance for Immigrant and Refugee Justice. She was the founding chair of the Asian and Pacific Islander Coalition, which formed in 1996 to restore food and cash assistance for low-income immigrants and refugees in Washington State. During the 2000s she worked at the Social Justice Fund, a public foundation supporting progressive organizations in the Northwest, and consulted for various institutions like the Western States Center, the Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity, the Nonprofit Assistance Center, the City of Seattle, and the Washington State Budget & Policy Center.

At ChangeLab Soya has authored two research reports: "Left or Right of the Color Line: Asian Americans and the Racial Justice Movement" and "The Importance of Asian Americans? It’s Not What You Think", and co-authored the Asian American Racial Justice Toolkit. She has convened numerous public events uniting scholars with social movement activists to explore race, gender, war/empire, and Asian American identity. Her writing has been published in Othering & Belonging: Expanding the Circle of Human Concern, and cited in places like the Routledge Companion to Asian American Media, ColorLines, and The Guardian.